Delegate Pens: £1150.00
Yes pens are still useful in this digital age, so why not sponsor and remind people of your brand whenever they use the pen.
Click here to sponsor
Package includes:
- 3 Free gala dinner tickets at Conference & Awards Ceremony, which includes a champagne reception and 3 course dinner
- Company branded pens (provided by sponsor) inserted into all delegate bags
Sponsor’s brand featured extensively on the rolling presentation shown throughout the event
Sponsor recognition in all hardcopy and electronic marketing channels both pre and post event
Sponsor recognition in the event brochure distributed to all in attendance on the day
Logo, link & 100 word profile placed on the LLAS/ATLAS dedicated conference area of the website pre and post event
Your hyperlinked logo displayed in the right sidebar of the LLAS/ATLAS home page as soon as sponsorship is confirmed including 3 extra months post event
½ page advert in the ATLAS newsletter distributed to 30000 plus accredited and non-accredited landlords, agents, distributed to all local authorities partners, universities partners and landlord associations partners etc. (1 edition)
½ page editorial placed in the LLAS/ATLAS newsletter (1edition)
Sponsor recognition in the post event newsletter
Sponsor’s logo displayed on concertina wall, during the event, award presentation and photographs
Social media promotion for the company prior to the event & 3 months post event (Sponsors to provide content)