Platinum Package: £5000.00
In Association with LLAS
With professionals across the housing sector in attendance, the Conference & Award Ceremony event provides the perfect opportunity to pursue business contacts in a relaxed social setting. A Platinum Sponsor will receive coverage in all the marketing collateral and promotion leading up to the event with extensive coverage on the LLAS/ATLAS website, 3rd party support, coverage in the members’ newsletter, including email marketing to a database of over 35000 of landlords. This unique opportunity for a direct route to market will enable you to raise your brand awareness and reach potential new clients.
Click here to sponsor
Package includes:
- Free 1 gala dinner table (table of 10)
- Company representative to present an award on stage (plus photo in post event newsletter and website)
- Sponsor’s brand featured extensively on the rolling presentation shown throughout the evening
- Full sponsor recognition in all hardcopy and electronic marketing channels both pre and post event
- Company logo, 100 word profile and contact details in the event brochure
- Logo, link on LLAS/ATLAS home page as soon as sponsorship is confirmed
- Logo, link & 100 word profile on a dedicated conference area of the LLAS/ATLAS website pre and post event
- Full page advert in the event brochure distributed to all in attendance
- Full page advert in the LLAS/ATLAS Newsletter (2 editions)
- Full page editorial in the LLAS/ATLAS Newsletter 2(editions)
- Delegate bag insert of your choice (to be provided by sponsor)
- Prominent branding through all marketing channels both pre and post event (web, email marketing, social media & trade press)
- Press releases (In Association with the Sponsor)
- Full page in the post event newsletter to be distributed to 35000 plus database & new members
- Prominent display of sponsor’s logo on concertina wall used as background for all presentations including award presentations and photographs
- Social media promotion for sponsors company prior to the event & post event (Sponsors to provide content)
- Pop up banner to be displayed & promotional items to be displayed at the event (optional, sponsor to bring along on the day or make arrangements with LLAS/ATLAS staff).