Thames Gateway Code of Conduct

I declare that I will conform to the Thames Gateway South Essex Landlord Accreditation Scheme (TGSE-LAS) following Code of Conduct:


All tenants will be treated with appropriate courtesy and respect.

  1. I will always act in a fair, honest and reasonable way in all my dealings with tenants and will respect their rights to peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the property;
  2. I will not discriminate in my dealings with prospective and/or existing tenants or treat them less favourably than others because of their colour, creed, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, sex, marital status, sexuality, politics, or their responsibility for dependants;
  3. I will, emergencies excepted, give the tenant reasonable notice (at least 48 hours and in writing, stating reasons) when access to the property is required by the landlord, contractor or agent.
  4. I will provide tenants with a written statement of the terms of their occupancy (a tenancy agreement), together with a current inventory, a contact telephone number or other means of contacting the landlord or their agent in the event of an emergency, and details of what conditions are attached to the tenancy deposit or bond;
  5. For agents, I will provide a written statement of terms and conditions to landlords detailing all the rights, responsibilities and liabilities of the agency agreement.
  6. I will acknowledge promptly all written communications received from the tenant and will respond appropriately to telephone or other verbal messages and will, when so requested, provide the tenant with a written statement of their tenancy account;
  7. Before proceedings are commenced, I will notify the tenant in writing of any breach of the tenancy agreement that is to be used as a basis for legal proceedings against the tenant;
  8. I will not cause harassment to a tenant or instruct, or undertake any action that involves the tenant being illegally evicted or harassed;
  9. Subject to any statute and/or separate agreements and unless I have good legal cause, I will return promptly at the end of the tenancy, any deposit paid by the tenant, which is held by me or on my behalf. If required, a written statement accounting for and explaining any deductions will be provided. The tenant will also be told of the steps they can take if they are not satisfied that the deductions are fair and reasonable.
  10. I will not refuse a tenant a reference for the purposes of securing a new
    tenancy, without good cause.

    The landlord will, and an agent will, take all reasonable steps to ensure
    that the tenant is provided with accommodation that complies with
    relevant legal requirements, in particular:

  11. I will take all reasonable steps to ensure all accommodation I provide will not fall below the current minimum legal standards for habitation. That is to say that it is in a reasonable state of repair, has adequate fire safety precautions and amenities and meets basic standards of management
    1. Agents who are not responsible for property standards will inform the landlord in writing of any areas requiring attention, or of other statutory requirements, and will notify the Local Authority if the landlord fails to rectify such issues. However in the case of a serious risk to anyone’s health or safety, I will, when made aware by any occupier, also advise them to notify the Local Authority. In the event of the occupier being unable to do this I will report the matter on their behalf.
    2. Landlords, or Letting/Managing Agents, will prepare an improvement plan if the property does not meet the current minimum standards. The improvement plan will set out how, and within what period, improvements will take place. Any Local
      Authority having reason to inspect such a property, whilst fulfilling their statutory functions, may request a copy of this plan.
  12. All disrepair or defects in the property for which I am responsible will be attended to promptly and with minimum disturbance to the tenant.
  13. Subject to statutory rights of appeal, I will comply with all Statutory Notices served by a Local Authority;
  14. Subject to statutes, I shall hold all relevant safety certificates in respect of the gas installation and any gas appliances in the accommodation provided for letting, which is my responsibility. Copies of these certificates will be provided to the tenant. Where automatic fire detection or emergency lighting is a requirement, I shall ensure that installations are properly serviced by a competent person in accordance with the relevant British Standards;
    1. I confirm that all properties containing gas appliances including gas central heating boilers, gas water heaters, gas room heaters and gas cooking appliances which are my responsibility shall at all times have current gas safety certificates with no outstanding works/recommendations as reported by the Gas Safe Engineer. I confirm that I will ensure that regular annual appliance inspections will be undertaken in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
    2. I confirm that all properties let by me contain either a) or b) below
      and that this will be recorded on the property inventory:
      1.  British Standard single point 10 year life lithium battery type smoke detector(s), one suitably located to each habitable floor of the dwelling, or
      2. Mains operated single point smoke detector(s), one suitable located in each of the ground floor and first floor hallways of the dwelling. They will be linked so that if one activates both will sound. The detector(s) are installed in accordance with the standard of the current Building Regulations.
    3. I agree to work towards undertaking periodic inspections of electrical installations on a 5 yearly basis for all properties let me.
  15. I will not advertise or claim any property as belonging to any person or organisation accredited under the TGSE-LAS unless the responsible Local Authority’s Private Sector Housing Team has been notified in writing that the property is (or is to be) rented out to tenants;
  16. I will take steps to maintain and improve my knowledge of current relevant legislation and good practice.
  17. For agents only, I shall provide all landlords with information about the TGSE-LAS and urge them to apply to join the scheme.
  18. I will not act in such a manner that brings the Thames Gateway South Essex Landlord Accreditation Scheme into disrepute.
  19. Upon successful completion of the Landlord Development Course and confirmation that I have been accredited, I agree to provide the TGSELAS with a list of all properties owned and let by me in the region.
  20. I agree to the TGSE-LAS undertaking random property inspections up to a maximum of 10% per annum per borough. I will be notified in advance of these inspections.

All references to an individual in this Code will apply equally to relevant Directors, Partners and/or employees of a Company or business accredited under this scheme.

Azad Ayub
Elliot Leigh
Surrey Property Licensing
London Property Licensing

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